فهرست مطالب

International Journal of Education and Cognitive Sciences
Volume:3 Issue: 2, Summer 2022

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1401/04/10
  • تعداد عناوین: 6
  • Shahram Yazdani, Maria Bayazidi, Poorandokht Afshari * Pages 1-4

    Purpose of the review: 

    The aim of this paper is to review Iran’s activities on resilience during home quarantine of outbreak of COVID-19 disease.

    Recent findings

    Governmental activities were included; closing of all schools and universities, changes in office hours, closing shrines, delay in repayment of loans until three months, electricity and water costs were reduced for a month, and urging people not to visit each other, and do not take a trip during the Iranian new year. Also, the municipality and the Islamic Republic's army began to disinfect public passages.

    Medical activities:

     All medical staff and health providers provided care and treatment of patients in hospitals. Furthermore, midwives and other public health workers continued work in the health center. Also, physicians and other health workers such as midwives began setting up systems to answer questions from the public. Telephone counseling with women on any issues related to pregnancy, lactation, sex issues and other problems were provided by midwives. Staff of pharmacology schools started to prepare alcoholic sanitizer. Public activities were included; various groups of people have begun collecting public assistance to provide masks and disposable clothing for the health workers. Some groups started to disinfect the ATMs.

    Keywords: Resilience, Quarantine, COVID-19, Iran
  • Khadijeh Amiri * Pages 5-11
    The aim of this study was to construct and standardize a successful intelligence test for elementary students.The method of the present study was correlational descriptive research in terms of method of data collection and mixed research in terms of method and applied research in terms of purpose. The population of the present study included all elementary school students in the fifth and sixth years of primary schools in Tehran's District 5 who were selected using stepwise cluster sampling. In the tools development phase, the theoretical content of successful intelligence was first extracted and analyzed from Sternberg theory using content analysis method and approved by cognitive experts using Delphi Moore method. Then, based on the extracted content, the basic items of the above tool were prepared. After completing the questionnaires, 384 questionnaires were coded after removing the incomplete questionnaires, and their data were analyzed using SPSS software.The results of statistical analysis showed that the successful intelligence test had 18 items and four skills (memory-based, creative, analytical, practical skills) that the validity and reliability of the above tool was confirmed using heuristic and confirmatory factor analysis. .The results showed that according to the unique environmental conditions and context of Iran, the above tools in terms of subcomponents had appropriate validity and reliability for elementary students and in addition to increasing the educational status of students, their study is purposeful. Be meaningful and help students draw a broader plan and a stronger meaning of life for
    Keywords: Construction, standardization, successful intelligence, Elementary Students
  • Faride Safikhani * Pages 12-22
    The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of grammatical mental imagery with cognitive processing on self-efficacy, emotional processing and spirituality in mothers of students with autism spectrum disorder in terms of practical purpose and cross-sectional data collection method and quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test research method with control group. The statistical population of all mothers of students with autism spectrum disorder in two schools under the supervision of education in Ahvaz was 105 students in 1398. A total of 30 mothers with children with autism spectrum disorder were randomly selected and 15 people were randomly assigned to the group of grammatical mental imagery with cognitive processing and 15 people were in the control group. The research instruments were the Long Form Nefar Self-Compassion Questionnaire (2003), Hall and Edwards (1986) Spirituality Scale, Scanning et al. (2010) and the grammatical mental imagery protocol with cognitive processing by Smoker (1995). The collected data were performed by descriptive and inferential statistical methods of analysis of covariance and by SPSS software version 24. The results showed that the simultaneous effect of group type and test status (pre-test and post-test) on self-efficacy scores p = 0.00, F = 62.208), emotion processing (p = 0.00, F = 107.237) and spirituality p = 0.00, 407/36 was F =). These findings indicate the effect of treatment on the desired variables. Therefore, we conclude that grammatical mental imagery with cognitive processing has a positive effect on self-efficacy, emotional processing and spirituality of mothers with children with autism spectrum disorder.
    Keywords: Mental Imaging, self-sufficiency, emotional processing, Spirituality, Autism spectrum disorder
  • Shirin Akrami * Pages 23-29
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of education based on acceptance and commitment on emotional self-disclosure and marital commitment of women referring to Gonbad Kavous clinics.
    The method used in this study was pretest-posttest with a control group. For this purpose, 30 people were considered among the subjects who were selected by available sampling. In this study, emotional self-disclosure questionnaire (Saadati Shamir, Gholami, 2014) and marital commitment questionnaire with Adams, Joens marital commitment scale (Saadati Shamir, Khorasanian, 2015) were used to assess the level of emotional self-disclosure. In this study, in order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics including minimum and maximum scores, mean and standard deviation were used.
    By using acceptance and commitment based training techniques and cognitive reconstruction techniques, misconceptions and cognitive distortions related to couples can be identified and rational and appropriate thoughts can be replaced. In this way, marital commitment is increased and the quality of emotional self-disclosure is increased. Couples recover.
    Based on the research findings, education based on acceptance and commitment has a positive and significant effect on emotional self-disclosure and marital commitment of women referring to Gonbad Kavous clinics
    Keywords: Acceptance, Commitment Therapy, emotional self-disclosure, Marital Commitment
  • Ashraf Fahim *, Suraiya Liza, Sunjida Lina, Md. Adnan Salim Pages 30-41

    An outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia occurred in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Former infectious disease outbreaks have significantly affected individuals’ mental health along with the expected physical health outcomes. This paper attempted to explore the actual mental health condition of the mass people and its effect on their lifestyle in terms of some demographic factors and their activities which were hampered by the COVID-19. This study was a cross-sectional, observational study carried out in Bangladesh. The online questionnaire developed by the investigators contained a total of four sections related to personal information, family related information, mental stress due to COVID-19, and lifestyle affected by COVID-19. Mental stress because of the COVID-19 contained 11 items, and the effect of mental stress related to lifestyle contained 16 items. Participants rated them in a 5-point Likert scale format. Statistical analyses like Bar Graph, table, Pearson correlation were performed using Excel 2016. Findings indicate that nearly 52% of the respondents reported high stress, 19% of respondents reported moderate stress, and 29% of respondents were in less stress due to COVID-19 while we collected the data. Maximum working people were mostly concerned about their job, income, and education. Almost 32% of respondents attempted to leave their residence. On the other hand, 17% of respondents had a plan to go back to their village. The COVID-19 outbreak created fear and stress on Bangladeshi citizens. We found that the mental stress of the respondent hampered their job life and education, accommodation, daily life activities, and attitude.

    Keywords: COVID-19, mental health, Lifestyle, self-reported questionnaire
  • Talieh Saeidi Rezvani, Farhad Tanhaye Reshvanloo * Pages 42-48
    It seems that human-being has an intrinsic need for belongingness. Belongingness has multiple strong effects on emotional patterns, cognitive processes, and optimal psychological functioning. This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Belongingness Orientation scale in Iranian students. In a descriptive-correlational study, 300 students (60.3% female; age mean=20.54±1.70) from Birjand University were selected by multistage random sampling method. Participants completed Belongingness Orientation Scale (Lavigne et al., 2011) and Interpersonal Orientation Scale (Hill, 1987). Data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson`s correlation coefficient, and MANOVA using SPSS.25 and Amos.24 software. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the two-factor structure. Factor loading varied from 0.65 to 0.87. The results showed that there are significant relationships between the dimensions of belongingness orientation and interpersonal orientation. Correlation coefficients varied from 0.37 to 0.51. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients are 0.79 for two subscales. Split-half coefficients are 0.70 for growth orientation and 0.74 for deficit reduction orientation. It seems that the Belongingness Orientation scale has good construct validity and reliability in students. This scale can be used as a precise instrument in this regard.
    Keywords: Belongingness, Reliability, Validity, Psychometric